VSMC Signs Contracts for Two English Offshore Wind Farms

Grid Connection

VSMC Signs Contracts for Two English Offshore Wind Farms

VSMC recently signed two separate contracts to lay and bury export cables for the Westermost Rough (ENG) and Humber Gateway (ENG) wind farms. With these latest projects, VSMC strengthens its strong position in laying and burying electricity cables in and to offshore wind farms.

Westermost Rough Offshore Wind Farm

Under commission from the Danish company DONG Energy, VSMC will start laying and burying approximately 11 kilometres of export cable along the East coast of England, near Hull. The cables will transport electricity generated at the 210 MW offshore wind farm to the onshore grid.

Humber Gateway Offshore Wind Farm

Nearby, the Humber Gateway Offshore Wind Farm is being built 8 kilometres out from shore. This park will eventually have 70 wind turbines, with a total capacity of 288 MW. VSMC was contracted by E.on to prepare the seabed along the route and transport and install two export cables. Project execution is scheduled to start in the 3rd quarter of 2013.


VSMC will be partnering with Boskalis Offshore to perform these projects.

Statement from Arno van Poppel, VSMC CEO

‘We are very pleased to have been awarded such great contracts. The Humber Gateway Offshore Wind Farm will be our first project working directly for E.on. And the work on the Westermost Rough allows us to continue the very fine partnership we have with DONG.’ Both E.on and DONG have ownership shares in the London Array, the largest offshore wind farm in Europe. VSMC performed a significant portion of the work on that project, as well. ‘These contracts demonstrate just how much confidence the market has in us,’ Van Poppel says.


Press release, June 06, 2013; Image: VSMC