Carnegie Receives Offshore Planning Approval from Western Australian Government

Carnegie Receives Offshore Planning Approval from Western Australian Government

Wave energy developer Carnegie Wave Energy Limited, advised that on Friday 8 February 2013 it received offshore planning approval from the Western Australian Government.

Carnegie submitted a planning application for the marine elements of the Perth Wave Energy Project (PWEP) in December 2012. This followed finalisation of project detailed design and securing of environmental, maritime safety and Department of Defence approvals. The application was assessed by the Metro South-West Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP) in accordance with the WA Planning and Development Act 2005 and WA Metropolitan Region Scheme 1963.

Planning approval was granted on Friday, 8 February 2013, subject to Carnegie adhering to conditions related to maritime safety and environmental approval conditions.

The final regulatory and approval step required for PWEP is the execution of a formal lease agreement with the WA Department of Regional Development and Lands over the existing offshore licence area and required pipeline easements ashore. This is expected to occur in the coming days.

Carnegie’s Project Development Officer, Tim Sawyer, said “Carnegie has worked extensively with key stakeholders from the Projects inception, including the WA government, to ensure all views are identified and addressed. We are pleased to have received offshore planning approval and look forward to executing the lease agreement with the State in the coming days”.


Press release, February 11, 2013; Image: carnegie