Narec Organizes Open Doors Day (UK)

Narec Organizes Open Doors Day (UK)

Narec will host Open Doors Day on Saturday 10th November, 09:00 – 13:00, which is a fantastic opportunity to visit the National Renewable Energy Centre, Narec, in Blyth.

Visitors will get a chance to find out more about the work and to look around state-of-the-art testing facilities for offshore renewable energy technologies.

Other activities include:

– Site Tours

– Face Painting by Izzy

– Children’s Activities

Narec’s multidisciplinary team of scientists and engineers operate some of Europe’s largest translational research, development and testing facilities for offshore wind, wave, tidal and electrical network technologies.

Clients and collaborators include: project developers, utilities, major manufacturers, universities, research organisations and supply chain companies.


Press release, October 16, 2012; Image: Narec