Scottish Enterprise’s Adrian Gillespie Welcomes Two New Reports

Scottish Enterprise's Adrian Gillespie Welcomes Two New Reports

Scottish Enterprise director of energy and low carbon technologies, Adrian Gillespie, welcomes two new reports published today (13 June) by the industry-led Offshore Wind Cost Reduction Task Force and The Crown Estate which shows the UK is on course to reduce the cost of generating electricity and details of how the reductions can be achieved.

He said: “The importance of reducing the cost of electricity generated by offshore wind is imperative and an issue we have been working on with the renewables and oil & gas industries. We are pleased to feed this learning into the work of the Task Force and I welcome the publication of the findings.

“Scotland’s offshore wind sector has huge economic potential and projects such as our £35 million POWERS fund to support the development of prototype turbines, targeted ‘calls’ for R&D and commercialisation support and wider partnership initiatives including the International Technology and Renewable Energy Zone, the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult and the Scottish Energy Lab all contribute to helping reduce the costs of Scotland’s offshore wind sector and support our ambitions of helping it to reach its full potential whilst contributing to the Scottish Governments ambitious renewable energy targets.” 


Offshore WIND staff, June 13, 2012; Image Scottish Enterprise