China: SBSS Reveals Plans for New Power Cable Installation Vessel

China: SBSS Reveals Plans for New Power Cable Installation Vessel

A model of a new generation subsea power cable installation vessel was unveiled at SBSS’s booth at Offshore Wind China 30th May to 1st June. The new vessel with a 5000 tonne rated turntable is specially designed to transport and install large HVDC & HVAC subsea cables for the fast growing energy markets in China and the Asian region.

SBSS’s Gerald Tan, Head of Business Development also gave a presentation entitled “Critical Aspects of Subsea Cable Laying for Offshore Windfarms in China” to a group of international and local audience at the event. The presentation highlighted the shortage of specialized cable installation vessels and skilled personnel necessary to undertake High Voltage cable installation to support China’s ambition of achieving 30GW capacity of offshore wind by 2020.

The presentation also highlighted the various lesson’s learnt from UK offshore windfarm construction and how methodologies and right skill sets can be used to avoid expensive delays to grid connection for offshore windfarms in China.


Offshore WIND staff, June 6, 2012; Image: SBSS