Carnegie Welcomes Deputy Prime Minister to its Wave Energy Research Facility (Australia)

Operations & Maintenance


Wave energy developer Carnegie Wave Energy Limited , Australia’s most advanced wave energy company, welcomed the Deputy Prime Minister and Federal Treasurer the Hon Wayne Swan MP, Senator the Hon Chris Evans and Melissa Parke MP to its Fremantle wave energy research facility .

Carnegie’s Managing Director and CEO Dr Michael Ottaviano and its Executive Director of European Business Development Mr Kieran O’Brien gave the Deputy Prime Minister a tour of the Fremantle facility and led an inspection of the CETO wave energy unit that has just successfully completed its in-ocean trial.

Dr Ottaviano said “We reiterate our support for the Government’s new climate change initiatives and in particular the $13 billion of funding for renewable energy projects and developments that was announced earlier this week. These initiatives create the opportunity for Australia to harness its world class wave, solar, wind and geothermal resources.”

“We would encourage the Government to ensure that the establishment of these new funding programs and agencies do not, in the short term, result in any funding delays to shovel ready emerging renewable energy projects.”

Mr O’Brien said “I’m impressed with the efforts of the Australian Government in making the transition to a sustainable energy future and in supporting new renewable technologies.”

“Given Australia’s world class wave energy resource this is a great opportunity to begin to match the level of support that wave energy is receiving in Western Europe.”

Mr O’Brien is a former executive of the Irish Government’s power utility (ESB) and a former acting secretary general of the World Energy Council.

About Carnegie

Carnegie Wave Energy Limited is an Australian, ASX-listed (CWE) wave energy technology developer. Carnegie is the owner and developer of the CETO Wave Energy Technology intellectual property.


Source: Carnegie , July 15, 2011;