1378 results found for 'codling'

1378 results found for 'codling'
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  • 3 February 2012

    Shell Global Solutions has listed the LIQUIDYNE pump shaft seal as best practice for use with its cooling water pumps worldwide. The LIQUIDYNE is also now included in Shell’s TAMAP (Technically Accepted Manufacturers and Products) list. IHC Lagersmit, part of IHC Merwede, specialises in sealing solutions for rotating shafts on ships, pumps, tidal turbines and […]

  • 8 September 2016
    Authorities, Vessels

    Global Marine Systems Limited has achieved an SPS (Special Purpose Ships) notation for its C.S. Sovereign multi-role DPS-2 vessel which can now carry up to 50 people on board over and above the working crew, such as client representatives or project specific personnel.  The SPS Code, introduced in 1983, and updated and revised into the […]

  • 6 May 2013
    R&D, Technology

    Lockheed Martin is progressing with Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion.The company has recently signed a memorandum of agreement with Reignwood Group to develop an Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) pilot power plant off the coast of southern China. Known as OTEC, this technology generates electricity by leveraging the temperature difference between warm surface water and deep […]

  • 10 June 2013
    Business & Finance, Environment

    Commenting on a report released today (10 June) by the International Energy Agency (IEA), Redrawing the energy-climate map, WWF said that, although the short-term measures proposed by the IEA to keep climate change within ‘safe’ levels were welcome, countries need to move further and faster to tackle the problem. Samantha Smith, Leader of the WWF […]

  • 2 May 2022
    R&D, Technology

    Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES) has partnered with ABB to develop what is said to become the world’s largest mobile grid simulator that will enable testing of next-generation offshore wind turbines. The simulator is being developed under the Mobil-Grid-CoP project launched in 2020 and publicly funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic […]

  • 26 June 2014
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Grid Connection, R&D

    The latest provisional monthly energy statistics produced by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) were released today (June 26) according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority. Provisional quarterly energy statistics for Q1 2014 (January to March), have also been released today in the statistical publications Energy Trends and Quarterly Energy Prices. Highlights […]

  • 16 July 2013

    The Dutch government, employers, workers and environmental organizations reached an agreement last week, which will ,inter alia, result in further investments in wind energy both on land and sea. Previous target to generate 16% of energy from renewables has been pushed back to 2023, and a new target of 14% of renewable energy has been […]

  • 3 September 2013

    Just across the water from the Brayton Point coal and gas plant, eighty citizens from across New England converged for a rally to kick off the 66 mile “Energy Exodus” march to the future site of Cape Wind, the nation’s first offshore wind farm, on August 28. At the rally, speakers called for Governor Deval […]

  • 7 October 2011

      As wind energy is being called to provide a greater share of the world’s energy burden, more turbines are operating in areas where temperature tests the machinery to its limits. Wind turbines are usually designed to operate in a temperature range from –10°C to +40°C, but at some current installations temperatures can drop to […]

  • 25 March 2014

    13 of the world’s leading companies in aerodynamics have now teamed up in the AVATAR project. They are developing the most advanced aerodynamic models for the next generation of large wind turbines, up to 20MW. These models are essential ingredients for integral design codes for large scale wind turbines and will be thoroughly validated. Ambitions […]

  • 7 November 2013
    Grid Connection

    European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) has today launched a public consultation on the draft Network Code on Connection Rules on HVDC Links and DC-Connected Power Park Modules (NC HVDC). The consultation is open for 2 months from 7 November 2013 until 7 January 2014. A public stakeholder workshop on the code […]

  • 19 July 2016

    Investing in a package containing offshore wind, sun and bioheat is almost EUR 1 billion cheaper for Dutch consumers than biomass co-firing, according to a report commissioned by Nature & Environment (Natuur & Milieu) and Eneco, which called on the Dutch government for an additional 700MW of offshore wind farms to replace the co-firing of biomass in […]

  • 22 August 2014
    Business & Finance, Environment

    Several environmental organisations will protest against the usage of brown coal for energy production in the Lusatia region this Saturday. Activists from several countries will try to form an eight kilometre human chain between Kerkwitz in Germany and Grabice in Poland. Greenpeace, Bund and Berliner Energietisch are some of the organisations that will take part in […]

  • 24 November 2016
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Environment

    Renewable energy accounts for 18% of primary energy consumption in the heating and cooling sector, WindEurope CEO Giles Dickson told the Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Joint Undertaking. Dickson addressed delegates of the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Stakeholder Forum in Brussels. He highlighted that the transport and heating sectors will represent over 25% of energy demand […]

  • 10 February 2015

    The European wind energy industry installed more new capacity than gas and coal combined in 2014. Across the 28 Member States, the wind industry connected a total of 11,791 MW to the grid with coal and gas adding 3,305 MW and 2,338 MW respectively. Moreover, the coal and gas industries in Europe both retired more […]

  • 27 May 2014

    Electricity will increasingly power the world’s economies in the 21st century, rivaling oil as the dominant energy carrier, according to a new report by the International Energy Agency (IEA). Actively managing this transformation is the only way to ensure that global energy security and climate goals are met economically, the report says. The report, Energy Technology Perspectives (ETP 2014), offers […]

  • 10 November 2011

      Researchers from University of Queensland and North Queensland Bulk Ports joined forces to identify sites for solar, wind or tidal energy… (theajmonline) [mappress] Source: theajmonline, November 10, 2011;

  • 16 February 2011
    Business & Finance

    A potentially crippling skills shortage is blowing a cold draught through Britain’s wind energy sector – and on Teesside’s quest to become…   [mappress] Source: gazettelive, February 16, 2011

  • 4 September 2023
    Business development, Technology

    Goldwind’s GWH252-14.3MW wind turbine is now installed offshore and the installation operations took “just 30 working hours”, the company said via social media on 4 September. The fast installation was made possible by optimising several time-consuming processes, according to the Chinese wind turbine manufacturer. “Through strategies like rotor pre-assembly, modular designs, improved conditions for upending […]

  • 15 October 2021
    Business & Finance, Contracts & Tenders

    Ørsted and ZE PAK (Zespół Elektrowni Pątnów-Adamów-Konin), Poland’s second largest producer of energy from coal-fired plants with a strategy for phase-out until 2030, have signed a letter of intent to jointly participate in the upcoming auction for seabed leases in Poland and the country’s Contract for Difference (CfD) tenders in 2025 and 2027. The companies plan […]

  • 21 October 2011

      China Wind Energy Development Roadmap to 2050 was first published on Wednesday and China’s wind power generating capacity could reach one terawatt (1TW) by 2050. The capacity would provide as much as 17 percent of China’s electricity output by 2050. It was estimated mat cost of wind powered electricity will be below mat of […]

  • 7 August 2014
    Authorities, R&D, Technology

    The U.S. Energy Department has launched the second round of a coding competition to help industry develop new models and tools that improve the design, development, and optimization of marine and hydrokinetic devices. This innovative challenge brings together experts in data, business, and energy from academia and the public and private sectors to move the […]

  • 21 October 2010
    Business & Finance

    The Renewable Heat Incentive, offshore wind, clean coal and the Green Investment Bank received funding today, even as Chancellor George… Michelle Ward (greenwisebusiness) [mappress] Source: greenwisebusiness, October 21, 2010;

  • 19 June 2017

    South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in, elected last month, today announced plans for the country’s transition to renewables and phase-out of nuclear and coal plants in a speech during the official ceremony of the permanent shutdown of the country’s oldest nuclear power plant. Moon added he will focus on developing solar and offshore wind power.

  • 20 October 2014
    Business & Finance, Vessels

    There are no uniform regulations for offshore service vessels. To many companies providing services to offshore platforms and wind farms, this could causes challenges on a daily basis. A special session at the Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference on 29 October 2014 with shipowners, shipbuilders and industry associations will cover the international discussion and how […]

  • 27 September 2012

    The European Union has passed the milestone of 100 GigaWatts (GW) of installed wind power capacity, according to the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA). 100 GW of wind power can generate electricity over a year to meet the total consumption of 57 million households, equivalent to the power production of 39 nuclear power plants. It […]