186 results found for 'Five Estuaries'

186 results found for 'Five Estuaries'
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  • 12 September 2013

    Scottish Renewables reacted to a new Audit Scotland report which claims Scotland’s strategy for renewable energy is clear but achieving goals will be challenging.  Niall Stuart, Chief Executive of Scottish Renewables, said: “The report highlights the clear and strong energy policy from the Scottish Government, which has given the industry confidence to invest and build […]

  • 16 June 2015

    Tocardo Tidal Turbines will install five tidal turbines in the Eastern Scheldt storm surge barrier, the company announced today. This will be both the largest tidal energy project in the Netherlands as well as the world’s largest commercial tidal installation of five turbines in an array. The Eastern Scheldt storm surge barrier is designed to protect […]

  • 17 April 2018
    Business & Finance, Contracts & Tenders, Grid Connection, Operations & Maintenance, Wind Farm Update

    UK consultancy MarineSpace Ltd has won a contract from London Array Limited for the provision of consent and licensing services at the 630MW London Array offshore wind farm in the Thames Estuary.

  • 28 October 2013

    The world’s largest offshore wind farm, the London Array could be affected by what is thought to be the worst storm in five years to hit Britain. The U.K. Met Office said that this storm, named after St. Jude, would approach from the Atlantic on path across the southwest and southern Wales before moving north-eastwards […]

  • 10 December 2013
    R&D, Wind Farm Update

    Mainstream Renewable Power is undertaking planned survey work on the Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm site from Thursday December 12th 2013 (earliest) for approximately 26 days. The work relates to the site of the proposed 450MW Neart na Gaoithe offshore wind farm which is located in the outer Forth Estuary approximately 15 km to […]

  • 23 March 2022
    Grid Connection, Wind Farm Update

    Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind, a joint venture between TotalEnergies and Green Investment Group (GIG), has scheduled an export cable corridor survey for the proposed 1.5 GW offshore wind project. The offshore geophysical survey will be conducted over a 3.5-month period, beginning on 26 March and ending on 15 July 2022. Marine surveyor GeoXYZ will deploy […]

  • 29 May 2014
    Operations & Maintenance, Wind Farm Update

    Remedial construction works at the London Array Offshore Wind Farm have been launched and will be performed until August 2014. The work is being done at a number of turbines locations. Red7Marine Offshore Ltd is undertaking diving and construction work within the London Array site. Operations will be conducted from the vessel Red7 Reel, a […]

  • 3 October 2017
    Operations & Maintenance, R&D

    Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult and the University of Hull have established a collaboration which will see the launch of an offshore wind Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Centre of Excellence in the Humber region, UK.

  • 20 December 2012

    The Humber LEP is to recruit a Chief Executive following the launch of its five-year plan for growth that focuses on realising the potential of the Humber Estuary. The move to recruit a Chief Executive builds on momentum over the last year as the Humber LEP has secured the largest Enterprise Zone in the country, […]

  • 30 November 2011

    RenewableUK, the renewable energy trade association, has welcomed a series of Government announcements giving strong support to the renewables sector. At a business conference in London, the Prime Minister David Cameron declared: “I see offshore wind as a significant energy and industrial opportunity for the UK, and one that I am determined to seize”. He […]

  • 18 September 2015
    Business & Finance, Training & Education

    Two of East Yorkshire’s offshore energy training providers are working in partnership to deliver the basic requirements for those wishing to work in the renewables industry. This training includes working at heights, marine safety, first aid, fire safety and manual handling. Humberside Offshore Training Association (HOTA) along with HFR Solutions have both invested in their […]

  • 4 December 2013

    Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Limited will be carrying out 110 seabed Cone Penetration Tests (CPTs) at the Neart na Gaoithe offshore wind farm site, the KIS-ORCA announced on its website. The tests will commence between the 7th and 10th December 2013, and will be completed approximately within 26 days, weather permitting. The Neart na […]

  • 9 May 2013
    Business & Finance

    Hafren Power said today that five major global companies spanning engineering, construction, project management and logistics are working with it on its proposal to build a £25 billion, 18km (11 mile) electricity generating barrage across the Severn estuary. Arup, Bechtel, DHL, Mott MacDonald and URS are currently assessing the delivery model needed to manage the […]

  • 14 December 2021
    Wind Farm Update

    A geophysical survey at a site where TotalEnergies and GIG plan to build their 1.5 GW UK offshore wind project is nearing the finish line after almost five months of investigations. The developers contracted Enviros Survey & Consultancy to carry out the work after being awarded a Contract for Difference (CfD) for their Outer Dowsing […]

  • 25 December 2020
    Grid Connection

    The Orkney-headquartered Leask Marine has completed infrastructure project work at the London Array offshore wind farm in the UK. The work included diver supported cable cleaning and bend stiffener installation. It was carried out by the MV C-Odyssey and crew together with a Leask Marine commercial dive team. London Array comprises 175 Siemens SWT-3.6 turbines installed over 20 kilometers […]

  • 27 April 2018
    Business & Finance, Operations & Maintenance

    UK-based Aura, an initiative of the University of Hull, has secured a GBP 4 million funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to build the Aura Innovation Centre (AIC) and provide a support program for Humber-based small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the offshore wind and low carbon sectors.

  • 26 April 2012
    Grid Connection

    In an area where the London Array Offshore Wind Farm export cables and the Kentish Flats Offshore Wind Farm cables cross each other, these high voltage cables are being protected by rock placements. In total, four rock berms will be created, each approximately 150 metres long, 15 metres wide. Due to the height of the […]

  • 11 August 2014
    R&D, Wind Farm Update

    Mainstream Renewable Power has recently started its detailed geotechnical and geophysical survey of the proposed Neart na Gaoithe offshore wind farm site. The survey work commenced on August 4th 2014 and will continue until approximately September 30th 2014. The planned wind farm site is located in the outer Forth Estuary approximately 15km to the east […]

  • 30 August 2012

    The wind turbines planned by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) as a part of a Montrose project faced refusal by the Angus Council, but the company does not give up on its other projects, specifically the tidal power generation. Namely, the Montrose project is part of an investment by GSK in the UK. The company plans to build a […]

  • 27 March 2017
    Grid Connection, Wind Farm Update

    The governments of Flanders and the Netherlands have reached an agreement on the Borssele subsea cables that will run through the Western Scheldt (Westerscheld), the estuary of the Scheldt river and an important shipping route for the Belgian Port of Antwerp.

  • 28 October 2015
    Business & Finance

    After Red7 Group went into administration, Mike Jones and Martin Spurr have launched Red7 Offshore and Red7 Inshore Diving, aiming to win important diving and marine contracts on oil & gas and wind farm projects and inland/inshore work. They believe lower overheads, a leaner operation and Great Yarmouth’s reputation for providing more cost-competitive services than other energy […]

  • 4 April 2012
    Grid Connection

    Bootle-based commercial diving and engineering specialist, Hughes Sub Surface Engineering, announced the successful completion of their latest project assisting the main contractor successfully complete the shore landing of the export cable from the London Array Wind Farm presently under construction in the Thames Estuary. Hughes Sub Surface Engineering were engaged to assist with the landing […]

  • 28 March 2012

    East Anglia Offshore Wind has revealed more info on one of the world’s largest offshore wind farms to be constructed off Suffolk coast. Joint venture between ScottishPower Renewables (SPR) and Vattenfall Wind Power Limited plans to develop one part of the 7,200MW project. The East Anglia ONE Offshore Windfarm, located 43.4km from the coast will […]

  • 11 November 2014
    Operations & Maintenance, R&D, Vessels, Wind Farm Update

    Diving and subsea engineering specialist Red7Marine Offshore has concluded a successful six-month diving campaign at London Array, the world’s largest operating offshore wind farm. Winter weather prevented completion of the work at one of the 175 turbines in the Thames Estuary; the small amount of remaining work will be completed with other work planned for […]

  • 4 May 2022

    Edda Wind’s Commissioning Service Operation Vessel (CSOV) Edda Breeze has sailed out to perform sea trials, said Astilleros Gondán S.A, the Spanish shipyard that built the vessel. The CSOV, the first of five vessels Astilleros Gondán S.A is building for Edda Wind, left the Eo estuary this weekend for the Port of Gijón, where it will remain for […]

  • 16 January 2013

    Emphasising the Humber’s mix of energy sources will help the region compete globally, according to a businessman backing a renewables awards event. Richard Tuplin, director of The Insurance Partnership, said the wider area must demonstrate its broad portfolio of green energy developments to ensure it is seen as a true centre of excellence for the […]