358 results found for 'sunrise Wind'

358 results found for 'sunrise Wind'
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  • 21 December 2010

    Well more than 100 fishermen and their supporters turned out at the Portuguese-American Club Saturday night for the first Fishermen’s Night Out, a chance to socialize and compare notes about how to protect the rights of commercial fishermen in nearby waters. Hosted by the Martha’s Vineyard/Dukes County Fishermen’s Association, the event’s goal was to raise […]

  • 12 January 2015

    In the Netherlands, the government aspires to build new offshore wind farms with a combined output of 3,450MW by 2023. The Minister of Economic Affairs recently decided that Transmission System Operator (TSO) TenneT will have the responsibility of building the offshore grid to accommodate these wind farms. Offshore WIND asked Mel Kroon, the CEO of […]

  • 17 June 2020

    By Jakub Vastmans, Senior Manager Service Product Management at NKT In case of a submarine cable fault, many components necessary for a repair can be obtained from external contractors (e.g. fault-finding equipment, jointer team, cable vessel). The cable operator can further reduce the associated risks by setting up Repair Preparedness Plans (RPPs) and Service Level […]

  • 13 August 2013

    When working offshore there should be one golden rule: Safety first! All kinds of legislation and regulations have been set up to ensure that both the health and safety of the employees are respected, in facet of their work, and rest time, offshore. However these rules can vary by country and also by the different […]

  • 13 August 2012

    This is key to a responsible realisation of the Energiewende” says Lex Hartman, Director Corporate Development of TSO TenneT. “After all, the German ambition implies building one turbine every day.” The recent Atomausstieg and the subsequent Energiewende brought about a revolution in the German offshore wind sector. Over the next ten years, 13GW of offshore […]

  • 1 October 2013

    Although the offshore wind industry has not necessarily grown as fast as Belgium’s DEME Group originally expected, the sector is now responsible for 10% of its business. The company is continuing to eye targets for possible acquisitions and weighing up fleet expansion possibilities in the offshore wind sector. Alongside this, DEME is striving to seek further cuts in Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) in order to ensure that […]

  • 19 January 2016

    HBB Hanseatic Break Bulk is a marine logistics company acting as an independent shipbroker and Heavy Lift Agency based in Hamburg, Germany. An integrated part of HBB’s business is to develop coastal concept studies for transportation of Offshore Wind foundations and components. Foundation installation likely to become bottleneck The installation part of Offshore Wind turbines, […]

  • 14 May 2012

    MBARI engineer Andy Hamilton looks out his office window in Moss Landing and points at the waves crashing on the beach below. “Pretty impressive, aren’t they? You’d think there’d be a way to make use of all that energy.” Since 2009, Hamilton has led a team of engineers trying to do just that. Their goal […]

  • 10 February 2014

    Despite announcing a substantial divestment programme, which included selling off several onshore wind farms, Spanish energy giant Iberdrola is still believed to be the world’s largest wind energy developer, with an operating portfolio of more than 13,830MW. In 2012, Iberdrola chairman Ignacio Galán, announced that its onshore wind assets in ‘non-core’ countries and other businesses […]

  • 6 October 2015

    The offshore wind industry is not really doing anything exceptional when it comes down to the basics. Wind turbine generators, WTGs, have been around onshore since one of the first electricity-generating wind turbines was built to power a holiday home in 1887 in Marykirk, Scotland. Offshore platforms were built in the early 20th century for […]

  • 14 April 2014

    In just four years Damen Shipyards’ presence in the offshore wind market has grown exponentially and the sector continues to be a key focus of the Dutch group. Headquartered in Gorinchem in the Netherlands, Damen Shipyards Group operates 40 ship and repair yards, employs 8,000 people world wide and has delivered more than 5,000 vessels in over 100 countries. While Damen’s survey vessels, Shoalbusters and […]

  • 11 May 2015

    Servicing around 2,200 wind turbines and 56 substations under fixed maintenance contracts, as well as repairs and assessments for a further 1,500 plants, Deutsche Windtechnik AG has experienced rapid growth since being established in 2007. Last year, the company experienced a near 40% in turnover, which passed the 70 million Euro mark for the first […]

  • 28 April 2023
    Business & Finance, Industry, Ports & Logistics

    The following article is a guest post by Kristin Carman, PMP, REP – Offshore Project and Permit Manager DNV Energy USA, Inc. Offshore wind (OSW) development in the Gulf of Mexico (the Gulf) is an opportunity that has, arguably, received less focus than East and West Coast prospects, and one which some in the industry […]

  • 20 February 2013

    Poland The first efforts aiming at the development of the offshore wind farms in Poland took place in the last decade but were unsuccessful due to controversial location (within Natura2000), unfavourable legislation and the lack of relevant knowledge of public administration. Development of the technology and successful implementation of investment projects in other EU countries […]

  • 6 May 2011

    Europe’s love affair with offshore wind may at last be venturing across the Atlantic as the first approved project in the US continues apace. However, the switch to this large-scale renewable energy form – which has the potential to displace both coal and nuclear in providing the bulk of energy consumed by coastal populations – […]

  • 15 April 2014

    There are some blunt facts about wind farm support vessels and some of them do not make pleasant reading. In the past four years there have been many wind farm support vessels built, some for existing companies and some for new companies. At the time they were ordered the prospects looked good with the UK […]

  • 11 April 2012

    LM Wind Power is the largest and most well-known blade manufacturer in the world but its origins are perhaps surprising. In an exclusive interview with Offshore WIND Peter Hansen, Senior Project Manager LM Wind Power, Technical Account, outlines the development of the offshore blade and the journey that took the company from making mobile fish […]

  • 18 May 2022
    Business & Finance, Contribution, Industry, Operations & Maintenance

    The following article is a guest post by Jonathan Morton, Associate at the international commercial law firm Haynes and Boone. The embrace of floating offshore wind has come surprisingly fast. There is already talk of floating wind sites with more than 100 turbines being built by 2032, and the interest and investment in the industry […]

  • 20 November 2014

    As most renewable energy systems are located outdoors, sometimes in harsh conditions ranging from the extreme cold of Inner Mongolia, Scandinavia, Canada and North Dakota to the scorching hot deserts of the United States and Australia, critical attention must be paid to the suitability and robustness of equipment in such hostile environments. Mitigating the risk […]

  • 12 June 2013

    Since April 2012 the wind farm support vessel industry has experienced success and failure, both large and small. 2012 will be remembered for the number of new vessels built and delivered to operators, but predominantly it will be the collapse of South Boats Special Projects in the autumn that shook this sector of the industry […]