F.lli Righini Srl

Forward-looking solutions for the Offshore Wind Industry

F.lli Righini Srl has more than 70 years of experience in the design and fabrication of mechanical systems and equipment. The company has leveraged on its extensive know-how and delivered numerous equipment for the installation and commissioning of Offshore Wind Farms. These include Monopile/Jacket/GBS Lifting and Upending Tools, Jacket Levelling Systems, Monopile Upending and Skidding Systems, Secondary Steel Installation Tools, Carousels for electrical cables and equipment for Floating Wind Mooring Systems.

About us

F.lli Righini Srl supports its Clients during all phases of each project. Conceptual and Basic Design, 3D Modelling and Structural Analysis at Finite Elements (FEM) are standard practice conducted in order to reach the optimisation of the weight and dimension. Design, Fabrication and Testing, all carried out in-house, increase the overall operational reliability of new solutions and allow it to comply with the most challenging requests.

The Company also design and fabricate test benches for dynamic and static load tests for weights ranging in the thousands of tons depending on the applications. They also provide 24/7 assistance to the Clients by providing specialised technicians for installation, commissioning, and start-up activities abroad and offshore.

All the equipment is fabricated in Ravenna, Italy where F.lli Righini Srl carry out the following activities: materials reception, welding and pre-fabrication, machine tools machining, mechanical assembly as well as testing.

Collaboration, Innovation, Passion and Flexibility are core values that have always distinguished F.lli Righini Srl.

Capabilities and solutions
Since 2018 F.lli Righini Srl widened its portfolio by supplying various equipment to the Offshore Wind industry by leveraging on the broad and extensive know-how developed across 40 years of experience in the Offshore Oil&Gas market.

F.lli Righini Srl systems are fully customised according to the Client’s specifications and, thanks to the specialisation in tailor-made equipment, the Company can provide a broad range of products and solutions.

F.lli Righini Srl is active in the Decommissioning Industry and in 2020 the Company delivered no.4 Internal Lifting Tools tested at 4.000 tonnes vertical load capacity and 1.000 tonnes transversal load capacity making them the most capable tools currently on the market.

Major Ongoing Projects

  • Monopile Lifting and Upending Tool with an innovative interchangeable system to lift and upend both Flanged and Unflanged Monopiles and a rotation system for the MP. The supply includes also a Monopile Tip Lifting Tool (ongoing – to be completed in 2024)
  • Monopile Upending System complete with VibroHammer Insertion Trolley to be used for the Courseulles OWF (Ongoing – to be completed in 2023)
  • No.2 Secondary Steel Installation Tools (SSIT) for installation of Anode Cage/Boat Landing/External Ladder (SSIT #1) and Suspended Internal Platform/Concrete Workplatform (SSIT #2)

Recently Completed Projects

  • No.1 Innovative multi-purpose Lifting and Upending Tool and Monopile Tip Lifting Tool for the He Dreiht and Empire OWFs (2024)
  • No.1 Upending Hinge and Vibro Hammer Insertion Trollery for the Courseulles OWF for piles with 7.75m diameter and 1000 tonnes weight (2024)
  • No. 2 Secondary Steel Installation Tools for Borkum Riffgrund 3 and Gode Wind 3 OWFs (2023)
  • No.2 Jacket Flanged Lifting Tools for the NnG Project – the tools have an innovative and patented feature which allows an extensive contact between the tool and the flange underside therefore minimizing any deformation in the flange. (Scotland 2022/2023)
  • No.2 Lifting Frames and No. 30 Lifting Rings for the installation of 58 Gravity Based Structures with unit weight of 4.820 tonnes for the Fècamp Offshore Wind Farm (France, 2022)
  • Jacket Pile Grippers (JPG) for jackets levelling for various projects including n. 168 JPGs for NnG OWF (Scotland 2021, 2022), n. 4 JPGs for Hollande Kust OWF and others

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