ABL MOG2 project

ABL Wins Work on Belgian Energy Island

Supply Chain

Energy and marine consultancy ABL has been awarded a contract to provide marine warranty survey (MWS) services for the offshore transportation and installation (T&I) operations relating to the Modular Offshore Grid 2 (MOG2) energy island project in the Belgian sector of the North Sea.

ABL’s scope of work includes the review of all procedural documentation, vessel inspections to assess the suitability of the proposed fleet for T&I operations, and on-site attendance to assure operational compliance with the approved procedures.

It will cover the T&I for the energy island (a concrete caisson foundation and port), HVAC and HVDC modules, and export cables.

The contract has been awarded by Elia Group, the Belgium electric services company.

The MOG2 project aims to develop offshore grid infrastructure to connect new wind farms in the 3.5 GW Princess Elisabeth zone to the Belgian national grid via an energy hub located on an artificial island.


The project’s purpose is to create an energy hub in the form of an artificial island, not only to provide a means of connecting new Belgian offshore power to the mainland but also to make optimal use of the power production areas in other parts of the North Sea by accommodating a connection point for hybrid interconnections.

If built to full capacity, the Princess Elisabeth wind farm zone will raise Belgium’s installed offshore wind capacity from the current 2.26 GW to 5.8 GW by 2030.

Belgium is also one of the four EU countries that announced the common aim of increasing the joint offshore wind capacity to 65 GW by 2030, and 150 GW by 2050.


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