Huisman Introduces Drilling Rig that Can Run on Floating Wind Power


Huisman has developed a harsh environment semi-submersible drilling rig design, which can be powered with onshore-produced hydroelectricity but also with floating wind turbines.

Source: Huisman

Huisman explained that the rig was developed with the aim of making the extraction of fossil fuels as sustainable as possible while the world makes the transition to renewable energy.

The company said that it is working towards the energy transition, developing numerous solutions for the harvesting of renewable energy which include both offshore and onshore wind as well as geothermal energy.

The philosophy behind the rig is one of holistic optimal efficiency, Huisman said. As a result, the harsh environmental semi-submersible drilling rig could offer both significant cost and emissions reduction.

Examples of the rig’s efficiency include a low drag electrified robotic drilling system that offers consistent speed of operation, as well as a heave compensated drilling floor, able to operate in rough seas, the company said.

This could result in increased productivity and uptime of the rig which together with its hybrid power system, including energy storage systems, could ensure that emissions are reduced by 30-40 per cent per well, according to Huisman.

Additionally, a 40 per cent reduction of onboard personnel and a large functional desk space would contribute to the emission reduction, the crane developer said.

Ideally, the rig would be powered with onshore-produced hydroelectricity, via a power cable from a nearby platform. Alternatively, it can be powered by two floating wind turbines, moored next to the rig which should increase the reduction in emissions to as much as 86 per cent, Huisman said.

“It’s clear that we need an intermediary solution while we make the transition to renewables. And that, if Europe is to have a reliable source of energy for the time being, this is going to involve consumption of oil and gas”, said Dieter Wijning, Huisman Product Manager.

“We think it’s important that this exploitation of fossil fuel reserves is done as efficiently and cleanly as possible. It is our vision to drive the growth of renewable energy while making fossil fuel extraction more sustainable”.

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