Offshore Wind Industry Council Launches Online Educational Modules


The Offshore Wind Industry Council (OWIC) has launched a series of online modules to support those new to the offshore wind industry by covering topics from project inception to decommissioning.

Illustration; Hornsea One offshore wind farm; Photo source: Ørsted

The publicly available online modules explain how offshore wind farms are planned, the consenting processes involved in building and operating them, and the role offshore wind farms play in tackling climate change.

They were developed by the industry working with Government, Statutory Nature Conservation bodies, and regulatory agencies.

OWIC’s Pathways to Growth (P2G) workstream, which is part of the Offshore Wind Sector Deal, coordinated the delivery of the modules as part of a series of activities to improve the training available to anyone who is new to the industry.

The seven modules are divided up into a series of topics, starting with the basics such as how a turbine generates electricity, and describing the various components of an offshore wind farm.

The educational modules also explain the leasing rounds which have been held so far by the Crown Estate and Crown Estate Scotland, and look ahead to future rounds which will see capacity continuing to expand rapidly, according to OWIC.

The consenting process is different in each part of the UK, so the way that the industry works with each devolved administration is covered in England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.

According to the organisation, this information is framed within the context of the international evidence on the effects of climate change and global measures to tackle it, with a specific module focused on explaining how the UK’s net-zero goal fits into these efforts.

Other topics include the development of innovative technology such as green hydrogen generated by offshore wind.

“For anyone who is new to the industry or wants to join us, these modules will provide a great resource for understanding consenting processes and the wider context, playing a crucial role in creating high-quality jobs as well as accelerating the UK’s transition to net zero,” said Brian McFarlane of SSE, the Pathways to Growth (P2G) Workstream Lead.

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