An offshore wind farm

DNV Wins Project Certification Contract for 1.2 GW OWF in Poland

Contracts & Tenders

DNV has been contracted to carry out project certification for the 1.2 GW Baltic Power offshore wind farm in Poland.

Northland Power; Illustration

The project, located some 23 kilometres off the Polish coastline where geotechnical surveys are about to begin, is being developed by PKN Orlen and the Canadian company Northland Power.

“Bringing a technology to a new market with new players also brings new challenges. Project certification offers a proven, structured and well trusted way to minimize and manage the risks of rolling out a technology in an emerging offshore wind market”, said Fabio Pollicino, Director Project Certification at DNV.   

Baltic Power will comprise up to 100 wind turbines, with the construction currently scheduled to start in 2023 and wind farm commissioning expected to take place in 2026.

Last month, the project received a 25-year contract for difference (CfD) from Poland’s Energy Regulatory Office.

The award is part of the Polish government’s commitment, through the Polish Offshore Wind Act, to support an initial phase of 5.9 GW of offshore wind by 2030, rising this to 11 GW by 2040 and 28 GW by 2050.