Danes Issue Thor Market Dialogue Programme

Wind Farm Update

The Danish Energy Agency and Energinet have published the programme for the Market Dialogue on the Thor offshore wind farm tendering procedure to be held on 25 November in Copenhagen.

Danish Enegy Agency

At the Market Dialogue, the Danish Energy Agency and Energinet will present some of the key elements of the tendering procedure. Moreover, the Danish Energy Agency and Energinet will collect viewpoints from potential tenderers and investors in order to optimize the tender conditions.

The ultimate aim of the dialogue is thus to collect relevant input from market players and thus pave the way for obtaining lowest possible bid prices, when final bids are to be submitted for the Thor call for tender in 2021.

In the days following the conference, there will also be an opportunity for scheduling bilateral meetings of confidential nature with the Danish Energy Agency’s and Energinet’s Thor offshore wind team. These meetings will be held in the days 26-29 November.

Registration for the Market Dialogue and appointments for a bilateral meeting shall be done on 14 November 2019 at the latest. Participation is free of charge. The conference is aiming at potential tenderers, investors and their advisors as the primary audience.

As background information for the Market Dialogue, the Danish Energy Agency has also published a marketing document on the Thor tendering process. The marketing document is targeting potential tenderers and other interested stakeholders and describes the overall terms for offshore wind in Denmark, including the Thor offshore wind farm tendering procedure and related timetable and tender process. The Danish Energy Agency is the responsible authority for the tendering process and will act as the single point-of-contact for all queries concerning the Thor call for tender.

In addition to the above, the Danish Energy Agency will also publish more detailed material for the Market Dialogue, which focuses on central elements and questions, which the agency wishes to discuss at the Market Dialogue. There will especially be a focus on new elements in the tendering process compared to previous Danish offshore wind call for tenders, including the timetable for the tendering process, conditions for prequalification, award criteria and financial terms, the process for environmental assessments, and issues concerning grid connection.

Thor is the first of the three offshore wind farms agreed to be established with the Energy Agreement of 2018. The wind farm will have a capacity of 800-1,000MW and will thus be the largest offshore wind farm in Denmark once in full operation in 2027 at the latest.