Coda Boulder Hunter Completes Trials


Coda Octopus has trialed its new Survey Engine Automatic Object Detection (SEADP) package,  which is said to have shown a 91% accuracy rate.

As a result of the trials, Coda Octopus introduced additional reporting tools in the new automatic boulder detection package which cover detection rates and qualitative analysis, among other data.

According to the company, SEADP has been in trial with a number of customers, including major survey and construction companies.

SEADP, first in Coda’s Automatic Object Detection (AOD) series of artificial intelligence-based technology products, can automatically detect boulders on the seabed, even in high clutter environments, Coda said.

In addition to the detection of each boulder using the package, the survey engine will generate a comprehensive report, automatically computing the boulder position, length, and height, to further automate the vital analysis of the seabed condition and provide a qualitative report on the results, Coda emphasized.

The company said the SEADP-AOD technology development continues with the current focus on man-made object (MMO) and mine-like objects (MLO) detection, which will form part of the future technology releases for geophysical customers.