JB-115 Supporting CGS Works at Kriegers Flak

Grid Connection

Jack-Up Barge’s vessel JB-115 has been deployed at the Kriegers Flak site off Denmark to accommodate the crew working on the hook up and commissioning of the substation that will be the heart of the Kriegers Flak Combined Grid Solution (CGS).

Image source: Jack-Up Barge

The company signed a contract with Danish Energinet and German 50Hertz to provide an accommodation vessel for the CGS project at the end of April and, according to JB-115’s AIS data, the vessel arrived at the site in early May.

JB-115 has been contracted to support the works throughout three months: May, June and July.

Kriegers Flak CGS is a 400MW interconnection between Denmark and Germany in the Baltic Sea via two offshore wind farms, Kriegers Flak and Germany’s Baltic 2.

At Kriegers Flak, the interconnection is enabled by one of the two substations, the 400MW Kriegers Flak B, which accommodates the Kriegers Flak E module, installed at the beginning of May 2018.

Offshore WIND Staff