SeaRenergy and N-Sea Secure DolWin Alpha Work

Contracts & Tenders

A consortium of SeaRenergy and N-Sea has won a contract by TenneT for modification works to the jacket foundation of the HVDC platform DolWin alpha.

The DolWin Alpha Platform. Source: SeaRenergy

The lead partner SeaRenergy is in charge of the engineering and design services, as well as the fabrication of clamps, which will be installed on each of the six jacket legs in order to increase the overall lifetime of the HVDC transmission system.

Once SeaRenergy completes the trial of mockup test structures, N-Sea will provide subsea installation services using a dive support vessel (DSV) with a diving team and a remotely operated vehicle (ROV).

“This award is the culmination of months of hard work by the consortium team. We look forward to delivering the project with our partner and building on the cooperation and trust we have established with SeaRenergy,” N-Sea CEO Gerard Keser said.

Located in the German Exclusive Economic Zone of the North Sea, DolWin alpha comprises five decks that rise 80m above the water surface.

The platform connects offshore wind farms around 75km off the coast in the DolWin cluster with the country’s transmission grid.