Damen and SMST Ink Bibby SOV Deal

Contracts & Tenders

Damen Shipyards has signed a contract with SMST for the delivery of an access and cargo tower and 3D motion compensated crane for Bibby Marine Services’ second WaveMaster service operations vessel (SOV) currently being built at Damen Shipyards Galati in Romania.

Source: SMST

SMST is expected to deliver the equipment by Q2 2019, while the SOV is due for delivery in August next year, after which it will support operations and maintenance work at the Hohe See and Albatros offshore wind farms in the German North Sea.

With Bibby Marine Services’ first SOV, the WaveMaster 1 – which recently completed its first work on the Galloper offshore wind farm – Damen opted for Uptime’s access solution with a motion compensated gangway and an adjustable pedestal.

The new SOV’s access system will allow for stepless transfer up to a wave height of 3.5m, while its landing height adjustment system provides access to platforms up to 26m above sea level, SMST said.

According to the manufacturer, the crane is designed to transfer equipment to the offshore wind turbines by using 3D motion compensation and is able to position the cargo onto the turbine or substation despite the vessel’s movements due to waves and current. The motion compensated knuckle performs lifts of up to 2t and provides an operational window allowing the vessel and its crew to operate in harsh sea conditions up to Hs 3m.

Once delivered, Bibby Marine’s new SOV will have a base port in Emden, Germany, with Hohe See and Albatros located some 150km off the coast.