Deepwater Wind Brings Revolution to Massachusetts

Operations & Maintenance

Deepwater Wind has identified three locations for the assembly of foundations for its Revolution Wind offshore wind farm and is also seeking proposals from Massachusetts boat builders for the construction of purpose-built crew vessels.

Image source: Deepwater Wind

The possible locations for welding, painting, commissioning and related foundation work include New Bedford, Fall River and Somerset, Deepwater Wind said.

According to the company, more than 300 direct jobs are expected for local construction workers with additional 600 indirect and induced jobs, while several dozen workers will build the first crew vessels at a local boat-building facility, and another dozen will operate the vessels during the lifetime of the wind farm.

Deepwater Wind has announced that it will issue a formal Request for Information to local suppliers in the coming weeks.

“Deepwater Wind is building a sustainable industry on the South Coast of Massachusetts,” said Matthew Morrissey, Deepwater Wind Vice President Massachusetts.

“With Revolution Wind, we are demonstrating that we can build the industry in Massachusetts while enhancing competition and keeping costs low.”

These commitments are in addition to Deepwater Wind’s previously-announced plans to use the New Bedford Marine Commerce Terminal for significant construction and staging operations.

Revolution Wind could be built at various sizes up to 400MW in its first phase at Deepwater Wind’s federal lease site southwest of Martha’s Vineyard.

If approved, local construction work would begin in 2020, with the project in operations in 2023. Survey work is already underway at the lease area.