73% of New Jerseyans Support Offshore Wind

Ports & Logistics

A new poll, carried out by Fairleigh Dickinson University for ReThink Energy NJ, has shown there is a major public support for offshore wind in New Jersey. 

Image: BOEM

Seventy-three percent favour the development of offshore wind farms off the coast of New Jersey, with the state’s Northeast showing to be more supportive than the South.

Nearly 90% of those surveyed believe renewable energy is important to the overall health of New Jersey. Four of five New Jerseyans back a goal of 80% renewable energy in the state by 2050. Nearly 75% are willing to pay USD 5-10 more per month on their electricity bills for energy generated from solar and wind, and 77% believe the state should invest more in developing clean energy sources rather than fossil fuels and pipelines.

“While many of our current leaders in Washington deny the threat of climate change and promote fossil fuels, New Jerseyans take a very different view, and want clean, renewable energy, not more polluting fossil fuels,” said Tom Gilbert, campaign director, ReThink Energy NJ and New Jersey Conservation Foundation.

When it comes to offshore wind, there are two projects underway in New Jersey.

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) held a competitive lease sale for the Wind Energy Area offshore New Jersey in 2015. RES America Developments Inc. was the winner of lease area OCS-A 0498 and US Wind Inc. won the lease area OCS-A 0499. The commercial wind energy leases went into effect on 1 March 2016.

Last year, DONG Energy acquired the rights for the OCS-A 0498 lease area offshore New Jersey from RES Americas Developments.