Vattenfall Looking for WTIVs for Kriegers Flak and Nearshore Projects

Contracts & Tenders

Vattenfall has invited tenders for the provision of wind turbine installation vessels that will work on Kriegers Flak and the two nearshore projects, Vesterhav Nord and Vesterhav Syd.

The developer is looking for WTIVs  for transport and support of the installation works of the wind turbine contractors.

The wind farms will consist of monopile foundations including transition pieces, wind turbines of equal or more than 8MW and inter-array cables. At Vesterhav Nord and Vesterhav Syd wind turbines will be installed at up to 25 locations, while installation at Kriegers Flak will be done at up to 75 locations.

The contract(s) awarded will be carried out from the beginning of 2019 until the end of 2021.

The tender is divided into three lots, but proposals can be submitted for all lots. Deadline for the submission of tenders or requests to participate is 11 October 2017.

Vattenfall has been awarded the concession for the Danish offshore wind projects Vesterhav Nord, Vesterhav Syd and Danish Kriegers Flak, led by the Danish Energy Agency (DEA).

The developer won the Danish nearshore wind tender for Vesterhav Syd and Vesterhav Nord sites in September 2016 with a bid price of 6 Eurocents per kWh (DKK 0.475/kWh). Two months later, Vattenfall was awarded the Kriegers Flak project in Denmark, after offering a price of 5 Eurocents per kWh (EUR 49.9 /MWh).

The 600MW Kriegers Flak offshore wind farm will be located approximately 15km east of the Danish coast in the southern part of the Baltic Sea, close to the boundaries of the exclusive offshore economic zones (EEZ) of Sweden, Germany and Denmark. The wind farm will be located a few kilometers from the German offshore wind farm Baltic 2. Energinet and German 50Hertz Transmission will connect the two wind farms, creating the world’s first offshore power grid which combines wind energy with the possibility of exchanging power between the two countries.

Vesterhav Nord is located off the coast of Thyborøn in two slightly displaced rows, stretching south towards Lemvig. Vesterhav Nord will have a capacity of 180MW, divided between up to 21 turbines, depending on the type of the turbine. Vesterhav Syd is located off the coast of Søndervig, stretchning south towards Hvide Sand in two rows. The Syd wind farm will have a capacity of 170MW.