ABB Hands Over DolWin2 Offshore Wind Transmission Link to TenneT

Grid Connection

ABB has commissioned and delivered the DolWin2 offshore wind transmission link to the Dutch-German transmission system operator TenneT.

Source: ABB

The high voltage direct current (HVDC) link connects offshore wind farms to the mainland grid, and has the capacity to supply more than a million households with renewable energy.

The 916MW link deploys ABB’s HVDC Light®, Voltage Source Converter (VSC) based technology and includes a 320kV converter station positioned on a platform about 45 kilometres from the German North Sea coast.

The station connects up to three offshore wind farms to the mainland power grid in Germany. For ABB, the project scope included the design, supply, installation and commissioning of the compact offshore and onshore converter stations as well as the subsea and underground cable systems.

DolWin2 is the third offshore wind connection project that ABB has executed for TenneT in Germany’s North Sea, following BorWin1 and DolWin1.

The links support Germany’s “Energiewende” roadmap, which aims to generate more than 6.5GW of offshore wind power by 2020, and 15 GW by 2030.