Kitakyushu City Names Developer of Hibikinada OWF

Business & Finance

The government of Kitakyushu City, Japan, has announced that a consortium comprising Kyuden Mirai Energy, Kyuden Corporation (Kyushu Electric Power), Hokutaku Renewable Energy Service, J-Power, and SAIBUGAS has been selected to install and operate an offshore wind farm off the Port of Hibikinada.

Location of Hibikinada Offshore Wind Farm (Image: Kyuden Mirai Energy)

This is the first such project nationwide to get the green light after the revision of the port law for the introduction of offshore wind power generation facilities to ports, according to the consortium’s press release.

The next steps involve conducting surveys, assessing wind conditions and investigating marine areas to commercialise offshore wind power generation in Hibikinada, the consortium said, adding that it will consider the scale of the project and total project cost based on further discussions with relevant parties.

With the offshore wind project, the consortium aims to support the Green Energy Port Hibiki in Kitakyushu City, accelerate the development of marine renewable energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and contribute to energy security.

The Green Energy Port Hibiki project, a growing cluster for environmental and energy industries, aims to make the Kitakyushu Port area a focal point for the wind energy industry, operation & maintenance services (O&M), and a hub for construction and shipping.

Offshore WIND Staff