Scottish Enterprise Guides O&G Firms to Offshore Wind Opportunities

Business & Finance

Scottish Enterprise has issued a new guide aimed at Scotland’s oil and gas supply chain to maximise opportunities in additional markets.

Illustration (Image source: Scottish Enterprise/ archive)

The Oil and Gas Diversification Opportunities guide is accompanied by a series of factsheets which profile opportunities in ten growth markets including Offshore Wind, Heating & Cooling, Oil & Gas Decommissioning and Nuclear Decommissioning.

When it comes to offshore wind, the UK has more offshore wind than any other country, having attracted £10 billion of investment between 2010 and 2015. A further £18 billion will be invested in new projects between 2016 and 2020, according to Scottish Enterprise.

Director of energy at Scottish Enterprise, Maggie McGinlay, said: “Whilst the North Sea will continue to have a long term future for Scotland’s oil and gas sector, the current global challenges have highlighted the need for supply chain companies to leverage their skills and experience built up over the last 50 years to target opportunities in other sectors.

“Through the Energy Jobs Taskforce we have prioritised our support to help them do just that.  The new guide and factsheets aim to provide companies with an understanding of the main diversification opportunities and how they can maximise them to protect jobs, skills and investment in Scotland.  It complements our existing diversification support to companies such as our Offshore Wind Expert Support Service.”

In May 2016, Scottish Enterprise released the “Oil and Gas Seize the Opportunity: Offshore Wind”, created by BVG Associates (BVGA) on behalf the economic development agency, to highlight the offshore wind opportunities for the oil and gas supply chain.

Offshore WIND Staff