26 Bidders Apply for Borssele III & IV

Wind Farm Update

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl) has received 26 applications for Borssele III and IV offshore wind sites, the governmental body reported after the tender closed on 29 September.

Image: RVO.nl ( The Borssele Wind Farm Zone/ PSD document)

A team comprising national and international experts is now evaluating all applications and RVO.nl said it plans to have the opening tender round reviewed before the end of the year.

Borssele III and IV sites will house a minimum of 680MW of offshore wind capacity, which is sufficient to provide clean power to some 775,000 households.

The minimum nominal capacity of an offshore wind farm that will be built at the Borssele site III is set at 331MW and the maximum is 360MW. Borssele IV can house a wind farm with a minimum capacity of 351MW and a maximum of 380MW.

Companies were allowed to file three applications in total, as they could have submitted a single application covering both sites and one separate application for each individual site.

The bidder(s) with the lowest bid(s) that meets all the conditions will receive grants and permits to build wind farm(s).

The tender is part of the Dutch wind energy roadmap, which targets a total of 4,500MW of offshore wind power in 2023 and contributes to the objective of the Energy Agreement that aims for 16% of renewable power in the national energy mix.