East Anglia Three Moves Through the System


A preliminary meeting of a panel forming the Examining Authority (ExA) for East Anglia Three’s Development Consent Order (DCO) application will be held on 28 June, to discuss the examination procedure.

On 29 June, an Issue Specific Hearing will be held, relating to the definition of the project and draft Development Consent Order (DCO) matters.

The application was submitted by ScottishPower Renewables in November 2015 and accepted for examination the following month.

The Examining Authority is obliged to complete the examination by 28 December 2016.

The 1,200MW wind farm will be located off the coast of Suffolk and will comprise up to 172 wind turbines, covering an area of 305km2 in the southern North Sea.

Subject to the planning application approval, it is anticipated that onshore construction for the project could begin in 2021, with offshore work starting in 2022 and first power generation achieved in 2023.