Hexicon Moves Forward with Scottish Floating OW Project


Swedish design and engineering company Hexicon AB has submitted a scoping report to Marine Scotland for its proposed floating wind demonstration project off Dounreay, Scotland.

Photo: Hexicon

The Dounreay Trì project will consist of a single semi-submersible platform and two wind turbines with a total capacity of 8 to 12 MW, installed approximately 6 km off Dounreay, Scotland.

Renewable Energy Systems Ltd (RES) has assisted Hexicon by providing site selection, development, wind analysis and metocean services in support of the project.

Marcus Thor, Project Director at Hexicon, said: “RES have helped drive our project forward. The submission of the scoping report marks the start of the planning process for Dounreay Tri.”

Dounreay Trì site (Image: Hexicon)
Dounreay Trì site (Image: Hexicon)

The scoping report is now at the pre-application stage with Marine Scotland and the project is planned to be operational by the summer of 2018.

Dounreay Trì Limited, the project company, has also completed a year of aerial surveys to record the birds and mammals using the site, which was carried out by HiDef Aerial Surveying.

“Scotland has a fantastic wind resource and the right policies to develop offshore wind as a competitive energy source. Dounreay Trì can contribute to that vision bringing clean energy, employment opportunities and an attractive investment,” said Anders Barne, Chairman of Dounreay Trì Limited.