ECN Invites Tenders for Anchoring System at SEM-REV Test Site

Contracts & Tenders

French engineering school and research institution École centrale de Nantes (ECN) has invited tenders for the provision of the anchoring system for maintaining in position the Énergie Marine Renouvelable (EMR) demonstrators at the SEM-REV offshore test site for marine renewable energy.

Image for illustrative purposes only. Image source: DNV GL

The first application and use of the anchor will be for a floating wind turbine demonstrator.

The deadline for submitting bids is 18 January 2016, and language to be used is either English or French.

The SEM-REV test site is situated 16 nautical miles off the city of Le Croisic on the French Atlantic coast.

The site is equipped at sea and on land for the testing of full scale floating offshore wind and wave power prototypes under operational conditions, and can accommodate up to three marine energy demonstrators.

Offshore WIND Staff