French Energy Minister Confirmed for Ocean Energy Europe 2015


Ségolène Royal, the French Minister for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, has confirmed her participation in OEE2015 in Dublin.

Minister Royal joins four other European ministers and an EU Commissioner already confirmed for the high level session at the conference. In a keynote speech on Tuesday 20 October, she will outline what the French government is doing to support renewables and share her vision for ocean energy development in France.

Minister Royal has recently taken the lead on supporting renewable energy in France via the ‘green growth’ energy transition law, which sets ambitious goals on the national level and aims to promote new renewable technologies whilst reducing nuclear production. She will also play a pivotal role in the forthcoming global climate negotiations, COP 21, taking place in Paris in November.

With a strong tradition of maritime engineering and a world-class resource both on the mainland and overseas, France has emerged as a global leader in ocean energy in recent years. French industrialists such as Alstom and DCNS are at the forefront of technology development, while EDF and Engie are the driving force behind ground-breaking projects in West Normandy. France also benefits from a strong network of research institutes who are active in the field. The French government has been strongly supportive of this progress, through ADEME’s ‘Investment in the Future’ programme.

Image: RoyalSegolene/Twitter