UK Moves Up CfD Timetable


Following an early completion of the Contracts for Difference (CfD) appeals from unsuccessful applicants, UK government has moved up the schedule for the first allocation of the subsidy scheme.

Low Carbon Contracts Company, owned by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), announced the sealed bid window for CfD will open on 29 January, instead on 18 February as previously stated.

The closing date was also moved to 4 February while the winners will be announced on 26 February.

According the new schedule, the deadline for signing of the contracts was moved from 17 April to 27 March.

The company is part of EMR programme designed to attract the £100 billion investment needed this decade to replace the ageing energy infrastructure with a more diverse and low-carbon energy mix.

Offshore WIND Staff; Image: flickr/Steph Gray