TenneT Clearing Path for DolWin3 Connection

Business & Finance

The planned DolWin3 offshore submarine cable connection is a DC power transmission link of approximately 42 km. The starting point will be north of the island of Borkum, Germany.

The route is within the German EEZ with the final destination at substation DolWin Gamma.

The grid operator is inviting tenders for geophysical survey of the proposed cable route, with water depths between -1.5 m to 40 m relative to lowest astronomical tide (LAT), for unexploded ordnance (UXO) and their removal or detonation.

Geophysical survey is required to identify potential UXO objects within the prescribed surveyed corridor. Contractor will host a ‘route’ working group meeting to conduct re-routing as far as possible to avoid potential UXO objects within certain constraints in order to issue a final route position list, a final potential UXO object list and a route clearance certificate.

If required, the company will dispose to shore any actual UXO objects, if safe to transport, or detonate it on site if unsafe to do so. It will also provide assistance with securing final approvals from the authorities for the subsequent cable installation works.

Offshore WIND Staff; Image: tennet