Energy UK’s CEO: EU Energy Policy Has to Be Decided with Sensible Timescales


As five hundred leaders from the electricity industry across the European Union gather in London for their annual convention, Angela Knight, CEO of Energy UK – the host organisation – called for decisions about meeting energy needs to be made with sensible timescales and price tags attached.

Energy UK's CEO EU Energy Policy Has to Be Decided with Sensible Timescales

At the EURELECTRIC Convention, which runs on Monday and Tuesday this week at the Grand Connaught a Rooms in London, Knight said that recent EU elections had highlighted how views about the Union were shifting and this needed to be reflected in how energy decisions were taken.

Angela Knight
Angela Knight

Mrs Knight said: “It is a week and a day since the European elections which clearly demonstrated how people’s view of the European Union both here and in a number of other countries, has changed. One outcome has to be that EU energy policy can no longer be decided without sensible timetables and ignoring the reality that people have to pay for these decisions. 

“We have an opportunity in the energy industry to get fact based, logic based, properly costed and sensible EU policy-making and to encourage a move away from an emotion driven and expensive agenda to allow a transition to a low carbon future in an affordable way.” 

Press Release, June 02, 2014; Image: EWEA/Energy UK