UK: Tidal Energy Limited Completes Supply Chain for Its DeltaStream Prototype

Business & Finance

UK: Tidal Energy Limited Completes Supply Chain for Its DeltaStream Prototype

Pioneering marine renewable energy company Tidal Energy Limited (TEL) has announced the completion of the supply chain for its DeltaStream prototype, Wales’ first full-scale tidal turbine, with the confirmation of its three remaining contracts:

•    Mustang Marine (Wales) Ltd will provide fabrication services, constructing the DeltaStream device at its Pembroke Port headquarters,
•    marine contracting and consulting specialist Keynvor Morlift will install the turbine, and will also have responsibility for maintenance through its 12 month trial,
•    and subsea cabling expert JDR Cable Systems will design and manufacture a 1.5km, double armoured 6.6KV high-voltage cable.

The announcement takes the number of businesses collaborating on the project to 21, including industry leaders Siemens (gear hub), GE Energy (electrical power system) and Designcraft (rotor production). Bridgend-based Raymond Brown Construction Ltd were responsible for the onshore works and Cardiff-based Hyder Consulting (UK) Ltd for the onshore design.

Having finalised all of the contracts needed for the manufacture, installation and operation of DeltaStream, the company will now begin a robust fabrication and testing process, as it prepares for initial deployment of the turbine in Pembroke Port.

Commenting on the news, Martin Murphy, TEL’s Managing Director said: “Throughout the process we have focused on managing the risk that is inherent in projects operating in the extremely challenging and hostile sub-sea environment. By appointing industry leading companies who have already built up considerable experience within the marine energy industry and have developed proven technologies, we have mitigated that risk as far as possible. We will now advance to the next stage of the project, as we begin fabrication and testing of the turbine.”

Murphy also highlighted DeltaStream’s potential to galvanise the developing Welsh industry. He said: “With more than 90% of the companies involved in our project headquartered in the UK, we are seeing the emergence of a comprehensive 360-degree, domestic supply chain. As Wales’ first full scale tidal project we believe that we can act as a catalyst for marine energy here, bringing world-leading technical capabilities and experience to work in partnership with local businesses.”

Tidal Energy Ltd says that they have plans to install a 10MW array off St Davids Head in Pembrokeshire after it has completed the demonstration device testing at Ramsey Sound. The company aims to develop the St Davids Head project utilising the local expertise and knowledge gained from the Ramsey Sound scheme.

Economy Minister Edwina Hart said: “Developing a marine renewable industry in Wales offers real opportunities for growth and jobs, particularly through supply chains. Helping to put Wales at the forefront of marine energy development, the Welsh Government has worked closely with the company, providing support through £8m of EU structural funds and in ensuring Welsh businesses are in a position to participate in, and benefit from this emerging sector in Wales.”

Kevin Lewis, Managing Director of Mustang Marine (Wales) Ltd said: “Mustang Marine is delighted to be involved with TEL for the DeltaStream project. As marine engineers we have extensive experience in building structures and commercial vessels for the offshore wind farm market as well as workboats, pilot boats and passenger vessels. Tidal energy is a new area for us and we are very much looking forward to being a part of the team within the local area.”

Invented by Pembrokeshire engineer Richard Ayre, the DeltaStream device sits on the seabed under its own gravity and consists of three independent 400kW turbines mounted on a triangular frame. For the first deployment in Ramsey Sound, one 400kW turbine will be installed in order to minimise operational and maintenance risk, with a view to scaling up to the full scale device subsequently.

Tidal Energy Ltd is backed by independent renewable energy company Eco2 Ltd, which has also developed projects in biomass, onshore wind and landfill gas.


Press release, July 9, 2013; Image: TEL