Successful German Wind Study Programs to Be Presented at WINDFORCE 2013

Training & Education

Successful German Wind Study Programs to Be Presented at WINDFORCE 2013

Nearly 200 professionals and managers from the wind energy industry and career changers took advantage of the occupational study programs at the University of Oldenburg for their career advancement.

The University offers two programs: Continuing Studies Program in Wind Energy Technology and Management (Wind Study) or the new Continuing Studies Programme Offshore Wind Energy (Offshore Wind Study). In autumn 2013, the wind study program, with a focus on onshore wind energy, will be running for the eighth time, while for the program on offshore wind studies it will be the second time.

During WINDFORCE 2013, which will be held from 4th to 6th June in Bremerhaven, both study program offers will be presented to the interested public.

The Wind Study and Offshore Wind Study are directed at experts and executives from both industries, as well as newcomers from other industries. They provide interdisciplinary technical knowledge and guidance that puts the graduates in a position to understand wind energy projects in all their complexity and enables them to assist with competence.

Proven industry experts from academia and the industry cover a full range of relevant topics. These extend from science and technology followed by economic, legal, planning, contracting and project management aspects to the special challenges for the offshore area of maritime technologies, port infrastructure and logistics.

The studies are a joint project of ForWind – Center for Wind Energy Research of the Universities of Oldenburg, Hanover and Bremen, the Wind Energy Agency (WAB) and the city of Oldenburg.


Offshore WIND Staff, June 3, 2013