Germany: Registration for WINDFORCE 2013 Is Open until End of May

Germany Registration for WINDFORCE 2013 is Open Until End of May

Those who wish to attend the WINDFORCE 2013 offshore conference in Bremerhaven should register soon. The online registration form is posted until 31 May 2013. Participant capacity in Bremerhaven is limited and some programme highlights may soon be fully booked.

The deadline for listing businesses on the official List of Participants and for name placement on the business contact board runs out on 15 May 2013. If you or your enterprise wish to be mentioned by name, it is essential to fill out the conference registration form by that time. The contact board in the foyer of the Atlantic Hotel Sail City is set up so that participants can leave business cards for other participants, making it easy to get in touch and arrange meetings.

From 4 to 6 June 2013, more than 800 experts in the offshore wind energy sector will meet for the ninth time in Bremerhaven. International participants at WINDFORCE 2013 will talk about cost reduction, financing, logistics, grid connection, and maritime technology and research. Participants can choose from a range of 60 presentations. This year’s side programme will include not only the panel discussion, the Maritime Wind Dinner, and the WINDFORCE party, but a brand-new attraction, the WORKBOATS in WATER Boat Show. The organisers of the event are also offering an all-day boat excursion on 7 June 2013 to see offshore wind farms in the North Sea.

Conference under the patronage of Peter Altmaier, Germany’s environment minister The patron of this year’s WINDFORCE event is Germany’s minister of the environment, Peter Altmaier. Although he will not be able to personally attend the conference due to scheduling constraints, the organisers of WINDFORCE see his patronage of the event as a positive and important political signal from Berlin for the offshore wind energy sector in Germany.


Press release, April 4, 2013; Image: wob