Atlantic Array to Ruin Gower Coast Ecosystem (UK)

Atlantic Array to Ruin Gower Coast Ecosystem

The Atlantic Array foes claim that the offshore wind farm would ruin one of Wales’ most beautiful coastal landscapes, writes Wales Online news portal.

Namely, the offshore wind project between Lundy Island and Gower could have 180 to 250 wind turbines erected. Their height would be from 100m to 200m, which is higher than all Wales’ residential buildings, depending on the number of turbines.

Gower Society has sent a letter to the RWE npower renewables, developer of the Atlantic Array, which reads:

“You continue to mislead the public by referring to the Atlantic Array when it’s clearly in the Bristol Channel.

“Your proposal is too close to Gower, the north Devon coast and Lundy Island and will impact adversely on each of these.

“The visual impact will detrimentally affect not only the Gower AONB but other nationally designated landscape protection areas on both sides of the channel.

“Lundy is on the main route for west coast migratory birds and a feeding ground for gannets and shearwaters from Grassholm, Skokholm and Skomer.”

According to Craig Harwood, the Atlantic Array development manager, the location of the proposed Array is one of nine areas of seabed around the UK identified by The Crown Estate as most suitable for offshore wind development.

“It’s only within those areas developers have rights to identify suitable locations for wind farms before submitting a planning application.

“We’ve carried out studies to assess the effects on the environments. Considerable research has been done to identify the bird and marine mammals in the region to learn how they could be affected.“


Offshore WIND staff, November 12, 2012; Image: rwe