Germany: BSH Approves DolWin Alpha and DolWin1


 Germany: BSH Approves DolWin Alpha and DolWin1

The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) has approved the converter platform “DolWin alpha” and the subsea cable system “DolWin1” for connection of “Borkum West II”,” MEG Offshore 1″ and “Borkum Riffgrund 1” wind farms to the grid.

The approval covers the installation and operation of the converter platform “DolWin alpha” and the laying and operation of six subsea cable systems. The systems are used to transfer electricity from “Borkum West II”, “MEG Offshore 1″ and “Borkum Riffgrund 1” to the substation.

The system has a capacity of 800 MW, designed precisely for the connection of wind farms.

The converter platform is located approximately 47 km north of Borkum and around 100 km west of the island of Helgoland. The deadline for the start of the construction is December 31,2014.


Offshore WIND staff, September 10, 2012; Image: tennet