Saab Seaeye Underwater Vehicles Attract UK, International Interest


Saab Seaeye Underwater Vehicles Attract UK, International Interest

Featured at Seawork 2012 by the world’s leading manufacturer of remotely operated underwater vehicles, four underwater vehicles from Saab Seaeye attracted interest from UK and international visitors alike.

“We had a very busy show,” says sales manager, James Douglas, “as people are keen to find new technology to solve underwater problems.”

A typical problem is the need to carry out repair work to underwater structures, whilst battling strong cross currents. This is particularly true as more offshore wind farms are built and more shallow water exploration is undertaken by the oil and gas industry.

One solution offered at Seawork was the new Panther XT Plus underwater vehicle, which has 10 powerful thrusters to keep it steady in the currents whilst at work.

Another is the new slimmed-down version of the Cougar remotely operated vehicle, which can also swim in strong currents in shallow water.

Whatever the working conditions, all underwater vehicles must be able to operate in extremely hostile seas, while carrying out urgent maintenance and repair work, as well as filming and survey work.

The new Sabertooth autonomous underwater vehicle can swim down long tunnels looking for potential problems and help avoid a collapse that might cut off the water supply to millions of homes.


Offshore WIND staff, august 8, 2012; Image: Seawork