E.ON UK Comments New ROC Bands

E.ON UK Comments New ROC Bands

Commenting on the Government’s decision to implement new ROC bands from April 2013, Dr. Tony Cocker, Chief Executive of E.ON UK, said:

“Since the draft proposals were published last year, we’ve already committed around £1 billion of new investment in renewables across the UK, so we’re pleased that the levels of support for all technologies have now been set which will provide clarity for investors.

“The UK has extremely challenging renewable energy targets to meet by 2020 and we welcome the opportunity to work with the supply chain to bring the cost of both onshore and offshore wind down further and to secure these types of technology as an affordable part of our energy mix.

“It is vital that we continue to develop a mix of low carbon, affordable and secure energy sources, which includes all types of renewable technologies; onshore and offshore wind, biomass and further development of wave and tidal.” 


Offshore WIND staff, July 25, 2012