US Congressmen Address FAA´s Decision on Cape Wind

US Congressmen Address FAA´s Decision on Cape Wind

US Congressmen Address FAA´s Decision on Cape Wind

Two U.S. congressmen have addressed the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issue which came up recently, concerning the alleged political pressure that was put on the agency while deciding on the safety of the Cape Wind offshore wind farm.

The congressmen have sent a letter to the FAA´s Acting Administrator, referring to the employees´ statements in the internal documents, who claim that there has been certain political meddling in the offshore wind project, says the Associated Press.

Therefore, the congressmen asked the FAA to provide documentation by July 31, which concerns any communication about the Cape Wind project over the last three and a half years between the agency, Cape Wind, federal officials and the White House.

Also, the agency was asked to answer if it was politically led by the U.S. Interior Secretary´s approval and promotion of green energy projects by the Obama Administration.

In their letter, the congressmen concluded that it would be “most troubling” if the politics came before safety concerns when the FAA approved Cape Wind.


Offshore WIND Staff, July 18, 2012; Image: Alpha Ventus