Centrica Announces New Non-Executive Director (UK)

Business & Finance


Centrica plc announces that Lesley Knox is to be appointed a Non-Executive Director of the company, effective 1 January 2012. Mrs Knox will become a member of Centrica’s Audit, Nominations and Remuneration Committees.

Mrs Knox is currently chairman of Alliance Trust plc, the senior independent non-executive director of Hays plc and a non-executive director of SABMiller plc.

Sir Roger Carr, Chairman of Centrica said: “I’m delighted to welcome Lesley as a Non-Executive Director. She brings a wealth of strategic and financial experience across a range of businesses which will help in the delivery of Centrica’s strategic objectives. Lesley’s appointment will further strengthen the Board’s composition, succession planning and diversity.”

Mrs Knox brings the total number of women on Centrica’s board to four.

In accordance with obligations under Listing Rule 9.6.13R, Mrs Knox holds or has held the following directorships of a publicly quoted company in the previous five years:

Alliance Trust plc: 15 June 2001 to current

Hays plc: 30 April 2002 to current

SABMiller plc: 19 May 2011 to current

HMV Group plc: 23 April 2002 to 1 February 2010

Signet Group plc: 9 January 2008 to 24 October 2008

Howden Joinery Group plc: 25 May 2001 to 6 March 2007

There is no other information required to be disclosed under Listing Rule 9.6.13R. Mrs Knox does not have an interest in the ordinary shares of Centrica.


Source: centrica, October 10, 2011