nkt cables Bags EUR 95m Baltic 2 Subsea Contract (Germany)

nkt cables has entered into a contract with 50Hertz Offshore GmbH at a value of around 750 mDKK (95 mEUR) for the offshore wind farm Baltic 2.

For nkt cables, Baltic 2 will be another turnkey project which includes armoured high-voltage subsea cables, accessories and installation. The cables will be manufactured at the production facilities in Cologne.

The German wind farm Baltic 2 (formerly Kriegers Flak) will be situated in the Baltic Sea approx. 32 km north of the island Rügen. 80 wind mills will cover an area of 27 square kilometers with a capacity of 288 MW. Some 340,000 households will receive electricity from the wind farm, that is expected to be operating during 2013.

“We are pleased to continue doing business with 50Hertz Offshore GmbH. As Baltic 1 was nkt cables’ first subsea cable project out of the new factory in Cologne, we have made some initial experience that both parties now will prosper from in the Baltic 2 project”, says Thomas Hofman-Bang, President and CEO of NKT Holding.

nkt cables will deliver approx. 60 km 150 kV, AC, 3-core.


Source: nktcables, August 09, 2011