Narec to Explore Collaborative R&D Opportunities for Offshore Renewable Energy Devices (UK)



As part of a three programme, Narec (National Renewable Energy Centre) in conjunction with UK Trade & Investment/British Embassy Sweden and partners hosted a technology and innovation workshop to explore collaborative R&D opportunities for accelerating deployment and demonstration of offshore renewable energy devices.

Delegates from the UK and Sweden from industry and academia identified a number of potential projects aimed at de-risking technology and improving survivability of devices involved in the offshore renewables industry.

Swedish delegates including Vattenfall, SP, Elforsk, Hexicon and Swedish Wind Power Technology Centre were also treated to an evening cruise along the River Tyne. The cruise was an opportunity for UK and Swedish organisations interested in the mutual business opportunities offered by the nascent offshore renewables industry to establish contacts, promote partnerships and business opportunities.

Despite recent high winds and torrential rain, the delegates were treated to a stunning sunset as they sailed past some of the region’s industrial heritage as well as new locations set to be involved in offshore wind R3 activity.


Source: narec, May 26, 2011