Geophysical Surveys Impending at Dublin Array

Wind Farm Update

Fugro is set to begin geophysical survey work at the Dublin Array offshore wind project located approximately 10 km from the Irish coastline.

Irish Department of Transport

The geophysical surveys will characterize the project’s offshore array and export cable search area, with the latter intended to provide options for export cable routes to possible landfall options in the area of Shanganah Park and Poolbeg.

Operations will start on 9 February and will continue until 11 May, weather permitting.

A total of four vessels will be working on the project, including the Fugro Mercator which will undertake geophysical operations in water depths >7 meters, as well as Spectrum 1 which will work in water depths <7 meters.

Fugro Seeker will undertake operations in the nearshore export route search area in water depths <7 meters, with the Fastnet Pelican set to carry out environmental operations.

Dublin Array offshore wind farm, a joint venture of RWE Renewables Ireland and Saorgus Energy, with RWE leading the development, is located on the Kish and Bray Banks.

The project will feature between 45 and 61 turbines and have a capacity of up to 900 MW.