Nexans Kicks Off Seagreen Onshore Cable Work

Wind Farm Update

Nexans has begun onshore work for the installation of underground cable that will connect the Seagreen offshore wind project to the grid in Angus, Scotland.


Once finished, the 19 km cable will reach from where the project makes landfall in Carnoustie to a new substation currently under construction in Tealing.

Installation is expected to be completed by the summer next year.

“We’re very proud to see the months of good work during the planning and pre-construction phases of the Seagreen project finally coming into fruition,” said Nexans Project Manager, Scott McCreadie.

“We are looking forward to the construction phase of the works and remain committed to delivering the project as safely and efficiently as possible, whilst maintaining minimum disruption to surrounding areas.”

In June, Nexans secured a contract to provide the export cables for Seagreen, under which it will design, manufacture and install three 65 km offshore export cables and three 20 km onshore export cables.

Located over 27 km off the Angus coast, the 1,075 MW Seagreen will feature 114 MHI Vestas 10 MW turbines planned to be operational in 2022/23.