WindFloat Atlantic Producing Power

Wind Farm Update

The WindFloat Atlantic offshore wind project in Portugal has begun producing power.

The project’s first MHI Vestas 8.4MW turbine began generating power after being connected on 31 December 2019.

EDP Renewables

“The commissioning of the WindFloat Atlantic project demonstrates the maturity and commercial readiness of floating offshore wind technology,” said Principle Power CEO João Metelo.

“As the first bank-financed floating wind farm in the world, it proves the financial viability of floating technology and provides new opportunities for sustainable investment.”

The news comes a few days after the second turbine sailed from the Port of Ferrol in Spain towards its final destination off the coast of Viana do Castelo in Portugal.

The 25MW WindFloat Atlantic project is led by the Windplus consortium comprising EDP Renewables (54.4%), Engie (25%), Repsol (19.4%), and Principle Power Inc. (1.2%).