Germans Issue Geophysical Survey Call

Contracts & Tenders

Germany’s Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie) has issued a tender for a geophysical site investigation in the N-6 offshore wind area in the German North Sea.

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy/Illustration

The geophysical survey will be carried out in spring / summer 2020 as part of the geological pre-exploration for the N-6.6 and N-6.7 offshore wind areas with a total size of approximately 86km2.

The investigations include the measurement of approximately 1,300 kilometres of profile by means of sediment echoes and high-resolution single and multi-channel seismics. In addition, the processing of the recorded data, its evaluation and documentation, as well as the determination of suitable locations for the subsequent geotechnical investigations are included. The overall objective is the collection and processing of hydroacoustic/seismic data for the provision to third parties.

The scheduled date for the start of award procedures is 6 January 2020.

The N-6.6 and N-6.7 areas are located some 100 kilometres northwest of the island Borkum. The N-6.6 area is expected to support wind turbines with a capacity of 630MW, and the area N-6.7 will support a wind farm with a capacity of 270MW.

If deemed suitable, the areas will be tendered in 2024 and put into operation in 2029, BSH said.

The two areas for the preliminary investigation were defined in BSH’s Surface Development Plan 2019. Over the next few years, BSH will commission and partly carry out investigations into the marine environment and the subsoil, wind, waves, and other oceanographic parameters at these sites.

On the basis of the results of the investigations, BSH will determine if the areas are suitable for the construction of offshore wind farms, and pass on the information to Germany’s Federal Network Agency.