WindFloat Atlantic Enters Turbine Assembly Mode

Wind Farm Update

The installation of the first WindFloat Atlantic turbine on its floating platform will begin on Wednesday, 17 July in the outer harbor of Ferrol, Spain.

The fabrication and load-out of this first WindFloat platform, developed by Principle Power, was completed last week in Fene, and the platform has been moored to the quayside in Ferrol, where the installation of the MHI Vestas 8.4MW wind turbine, the largest ever to be installed on a floating foundation, will begin.

The assembly will take place over the coming weeks in preparation for the offshore operations, scheduled for the end of summer, when the floating structure will depart for its final destination off the coast of Viana do Castelo, Portugal.

The WindFloat Atlantic project is being realized by the Windplus consortium, which is jointly owned by EDP Renováveis (54.4%), ENGIE (25%), Repsol (19.4%) and Principle Power Inc. (1.2%).

The three turbines that comprise the wind farm will be mounted on floating platforms anchored to the seabed, and will collectively deliver an installed capacity of 25MW. The wind farm will be located 20 kilometers off the coast of Viana do Castelo, where the water depth reaches 100 meters.

Some of the suppliers involved in the project are Principle Power, Navantia/Windar Joint Venture, A. Silva Matos Group, Bourbon, along with turbine supplier MHI Vestas, and dynamic cable supplier JDR Cables.

Photos: Repsol