Denmark Backs Blade Repair Robot with EUR 2 Million


The Danish Government Scheme for Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Program (EUDP) has awarded DKK 16 million (more than EUR 2 million) to Rope Robotics.

The funding supports the development and demonstration of the company’s technology – a robot that can handle all phases of maintenance and repair of offshore wind turbine blades.

Repairs of wind turbine blades are currently being carried out by specially trained rope technicians, allowing for the repair works to take place only in very good weather conditions. 

The Rope Robotics robot is expected to reduce both time and costs in blade maintenance and repair.

In this year’s second round of applications, Danish EUDP has awarded 46 innovative projects with a total of DKK 233 million (approx. EUR 31 million).

In 2019, EUDP will hand over more than DKK 430 million (approx. EUR 57.6 million). The first round of application for EUDP funds in 2019 will end on 1 March. 

Offshore WIND Staff